Monday, May 5, 2014

Beach Front Sunset

Today was a great day.  The rain stopped and the sun came out what more could i ask for.  Well i got good roads and great sceanery topped off by more wonderful hosts Bernie and Sophie.  Thank you for opening your home to perfect strangers and sharing the wonderful views.

Today started off like the last two days overcast with a little drizzle but not to long into the ride it cleared up and the sun was shining through some clouds.  I was so happy to see that bright ball in the sky and feel its warmth.  Nothing real eventful happened early in the morning with the excepton of stopping to talk to some Dairy Farmers and getting to put a POP's Ride sticker on thier Skid Stear.  Everyone got a kick out of that, when i took the picture the farmers wife was telling me that she was having a bad hiar day.  I think if you get up at 3 am to milk the cows and get your kids ready for school you can have as many bad hair days as you want.  :)

In the last 15 miles to go we had to ride a two mile long climb that was 8% grad the entire way.  This was difficult but Dad and Carl handled it like champions.  Each time i see my dad throw down a long climb in the face of the PD and the Athsma i just have to marvel at the toughness and determination he possesses.  And each person i meet with PD or any other disease seems to show the same fight.  How can these individuals find the will power to take their situations and turn them into opportunities.  What a privilege it is to be watching this take place each day.


Dad and Carl keep the wheels turning and each day you will continue to show me and others that PD cant hold you down.  Get out there everyone get active get involved.

Thought of the  day:
Each day we have a choice to make, we can get up and make the most of each day, make new friends and live the life God has given us to the fullest making memories, friends and a difference or we can sit back and watch it float by.  I choose to try to make the best of it and when i fail or fall down, i choose to get up and keep going.  Its a choice, follow the lead of people like my Dad, Carl, Ali, Davis  Phinney and others.  Live each day to its full potential.

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